Keluarga Cemara The Series

Type : Title Sequence

Client : Visinema

Production Studio: ARAS

Role : Director

Year : 2021

This is my third sequence that I directed for Visinema. collaborating with the ARAS team to craft the title sequence for the first Keluarga Cemara Series on Disney+. rooted in the original with identical titles and characters but with more modern settings.

The concept driving this title sequence is to provide viewers with a tangible experience. We achieve this by seamlessly blending paper craft as the chosen art style and incorporating stop motion for animation. Our goal is to present visuals that don't appear as typical 3D generated images, despite being crafted in a 3D environment. To enhance the tactile feel, we've implemented a method to imbue each element with a realistic paper texture. This involves a combination of various paper textures to enrich the overall visual experience.

Our art director, Aurelia Devara enthusiastically suggested infusing a captivating paper craft aesthetic into the design of this title sequence

Since the paper craft art style serves as the essence of our title sequence, I opted for stop motion as the animation treatment. This choice aims to enhance the tactile experience, complementing the art concept and providing a more tangible feel to the overall presentation.



Every elements on every frame has a meaning to tell a unique story for based on the character.


Executive Producer
Aras Darmawan, Tri Rani Safitri

Creative Director
Agil Prakoso

Art Director
Aurelia Devara

Tiara Safhira, Gabriel Olivia

Designer / llustrator
Aurelia Devara
Tiara Safhira
Faza Luthfi
Rini Angeliantari
Emily Wiputri
Maria Ulfah

CGI Supervisor
Aras Darmawan

3D Artists
Mahdi Abizain
Maulana Arridha
Ibnu Rizals Althur

Edit & Compositing
Wiliona Septira